A fully automatic Smart Battery Isolator product featuring PEP. Featuring the latest generation UTV Battery Isolator (UTV-SBI-18). Unique and one of a kind it is specifically designed to be the most efficient isolator currently made for use with a stator charging system with the attributes. Also please read our UTV Charging System page for more info. With a True Smart Battery Isolator the connection between the cars regular charging system and start battery and the big one in the trunk can be managed in such a way to allow the amp to demand as much as the accessory battery can provide but protect the rest of the electrical system from distress. An effective and simple installation dual battery kit. Developed from years of interaction with, and feedback. However don't forget to maintain your batteries with our Automatic Battery Charger / Maintainer. TrueAm has just developed a new battery isolation product for specifically for the UTV marketplace.

This system is quite simple: Key ON - both batteries are connected to X3, Key OFF- 2nd battery is isolated from X3.

UTV Stereo's best selling item! Compatible: All years 2 or 4 seat Can Am X3īoost battery power with UTV Stereo's auxiliary battery solution! Need more voltage or want to keep the tunes going and lights on when parked in your Can Am X3? No problem, our kit does it all! allows you to isolate the new secondary AGM battery while the vehicle's IGN is off, preserving your stock battery for starting.